Fractions for kids, understanding fractions, what are fractions.

Fractions for kids :
Fractions for kids
" A number that is not a whole number is called a fraction numbers "
There are two types of fraction numbers :
  1. Ordinary fraction / Vulgar fraction
  2. Decimal fractions.
Ordinary fractions :
     Which is in the form of a different p/q, is called ordinary fraction.
3/2, 5/7, 21/8, etc.

Decimal fractions : 
     Numbers that have a decimal mark are called decimal fractions.
Examples :
1.3, 4.5, 2.3, etc.

Comparison of fractions :
Rule 1 :
     If two or more fractions have the same denominator, then the fraction will be the largest whose numerator value is the largest and the fraction will be the smallest whose numerator value is the smallest.

Examples :
1) What is the largest and smallest fractions between 1/5, 2/5, 6/5 and 7/5.
Ans. :
1/5 is the smallest fractions in 1/5, 2/5, 6/5 and 7/5 and 7/5 is the largest fractions.

2) What is the smallest fractions between 12/15, 7/15, 3/15 and 9/15.
Ans. :
Smallest fraction : 3/15

3) What is the largest fraction between 9/7, 3/7, 1/7 and 4/7.
Ans. :
Largest fraction : 9/7.

Rule 2 :
     If two or more fractions have the same numerator, then the fraction will be the largest whose denominator value is the smallest and the fraction will be the smallest whose denominator value is the largest.

Examples :
1) What is the largest and smallest fractions between 3/7, 3/2, 3/10 and 3/12.
Ans. :
Smallest fraction : 3/12.
Largest fraction : 3/2.

2) What is the largest and smallest fractions between 4/7, 4/9, 4/3, and 4/10.
Ans. :
Smallest fraction : 4/10.
Largest fraction : 4/3.

Rule 3 :
The value does not change if the numerator and the denominator of the vulgar fraction are divided by the same non zero number.

Example :
( 24 / 12) / ( 36 / 12 ) = 2 / 3

Rule 4 :
The value does not change if the numerator and denominator of the vulgar fraction  are multiply by the same non zero number.

Example :
( 3 × 7 ) / ( 4 × 7 ) = 21 / 28.

A fraction whose numerator is one is called a unit fraction.
Example :
1/5, 1/4, 1/9 etc.

The fraction in which the denominator  is the ten or multiplied by tens. These are called decimal fractions.
Example :
4/10 = 0.4,  4/100 = 0.04 , 4/100 = 0.004

1) ( 2 / 3 ) + ( 4 / 3 ) + ( 5 / 3 ) = ?
Ans. : ( 2 + 4 + 5 ) / 3 = 11 / 3

2) ( 4 / 5 ) + ( 9 / 5 ) + ( 7 + 5 ) = ?
Ans. : ( 4 + 9 + 7 ) / 5 = 20 / 5 = 4.

3) ( 6 / 5 ) - ( 3 / 5 ) = ?
Ans. : ( 6 - 3 ) / 5 = 3 / 5.

4) ( 2 / 3 ) + ( 1 / 6 ) + ( 5 / 4 )  = ?
Ans. :
Let's make the first denominator the same.
The same first number coming from the multiplication tables of 3, 6 And 4 is 12.
So let's all do denominator 12.
= ( ( 2 × 4 ) / ( 3 × 4 ) ) + ( ( 1 × 2 ) / ( 6 × 2 ) ) + ( ( 5 × 3 ) / ( 4 × 3 ) )
= ( 8 / 12 ) + ( 2 / 12 ) + ( 15 / 12 )
= ( 8 + 2 + 15 ) / 12.
= 35 / 12

Recurring fraction :
If a number or group of numbers is repeated to the right of the decimal fraction, it is called recurring fraction.
Example :
5.3333 ( one number repeated )
2.34343434 ( group of numbers repeated )

Non recurring / Terminating Decimal Fraction:
If we divide a numerator by denominator then the after decimal fraction is followed by a few digits and the remainder is zero it is called terminating decimal fraction.
Example :
12 / 5 = 2.4

Examples :
1) 0.2 × 1. 6 × 0.11 = ?
Ans. :
= 0.2 × 1.6 × 0.11
Initially the decimal point was removed.
= 2 × 16 × 11
= 352
The digits are 1 + 1 + 2 = 4 after the total decimal point in the multiplication.
So give a decimal point after four digits.
= 0.0352

2) After reading 2 / 3 of a book and 10 pages, if you want to read 80 pages, how many pages are there in the book ?
Ans. :
Pages = { ( the sum of integers ) × ( Denominator of fraction ) } /  ( The difference between numerator and denominator )
Pages = { ( 10 + 80 ) × 3 } / 3 - 2
           = 90 × 3
Pages = 270.

Related Links :

1. Simple Interest math :

2. Time Speed Distance formulas :

3. Fractions for kids :

4. Series order tricks :

5. Age word problems :

6. Work and Time problems :

7. Pipe and Tanks shortcuts and tricks :


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